The Bike Asylum Cycling Club



The Bike Asylum is now accepting 2025 club registration. Drop by the shop to sign the waiver.

Beginners' Riding Clinic

If you are interested in a group riding clinic for beginners, riders returning to the sport, or riders who just want to brush up on their basic skills, contact us at [email protected].  TBACC group riding clinics cover basic bike setup, pre-ride checks, hand signals, basics of drafting, shoulder checks, traffic law, and safety equipment and techniques.  Bring your bike and all your equipment, as we will be riding in a controlled space to hone our skills. You will need to sign a waiver at the store before the day of the clinic.


The Bicycle Asylum Cycling Club (TBACC) is open to riders of all ages and abilities.  We have group rides for road and gravel disciplines.  Club members receive 10% discounts on labour and select cycling accessories and clothing, as well as free access to our bicycle maintenance and repair clinics.  

Make a quick pit-stop at our shop to sign up for our private club insurance. All riders participating in club rides must have proof of insurance for every scheduled ride. Do you want to try our club out for a day? No problem! We have a one-day waiver that allows you 24 hour insurance to see if our club is the right club for you. Insurance cost = $90 tax included (One Year)


Road Rides:

TBACC road rides have a "no drop" policy.  Drop bar road bikes are mandatory.  Slower and faster groups will be formed as necessary.  Beginner group riding clinics are available, please contact us for details.

Women's & Club Ride Monday evenings (40-60 km) 

Club Ride Wednesday evening (30-60 km)

Club Ride Saturday mornings (60 to 100 km)



Scenic Local Gravel Bike Rides:

TBACC gravel bike rides have a "no drop" policy.  Basic gravel biking skills recommended. Beginner riding clinics available, please contact us for details.

Club Ride Thursday evening (15 -30 km) (TBD)



Proudly Sponsored By:

summertime pools

Tooth Shoppe Sponsor Joy Ride 150 Logo    


The Bike Asylum Cycling Club Risk Management Plan 2025

The Bike Asylum Cycling Club (TBACC) has created this risk management plan to document how TBACC rides will be managed to reduce the inherent risks associated with cycling activities.  All Club programs, events and rides shall adhere (as applicable) to UCI, CCA, and CC, rules as they apply to Club rides, and obey all Provincial Traffic Act rules of the road.

Club rides, TBACC rides, and TBACC events are defined as rides formally organized by The Bicycle Asylum Cycling Club and described on The Bicycle Asylum website.  Rides and events not listed on the TBACC website are not considered TBACC rides or events.

The TBACC will:

  • Provide access to this document to each and every TBACC member, either by hard copy or digitally
  • Have a copy of this document available online on the TBACC website
  • Have an open membership
  • Designate a ride leader to be in charge of each activity
  • Determine a manageable group size for each activity
  • Provide route maps at least 48 hours before each event
  • Plan routes that are as safe as possible and use lesser-travelled routes where possible and practical
  • Encourage all riders to be comfortable and proficient with group riding before participating in a TBACC ride
  • Periodically provide riding clinics to support skills development and to teach inexperienced riders how to safely participate in TBACC group rides
  • Inform Club members that the ultimate responsibility for safety rests with each Club member

The ride leader will:

  • Identify themselves to the Club members so that the Club members will know who is leading the ride
  • Appoint an experienced TBACC club member as a designate, should the ride leader not be able to attend a TBACC ride
  • Ensure that all participants are members of TBACC in good standing
  • Inform any ineligible riders, with a witness present, that they are ineligible and are not covered by any Club insurance, and will be responsible for all of their own actions
  • Describe the general route and answer any questions the Club members may have about the route
  • Encourage all riders to be comfortable and proficient with group riding before participating in a TBACC ride
  • Carry a cell phone for emergencies and ensure they have access to a list of emergency contacts for Club members
  • Adhere to all Provincial Traffic Act rules of the road
  • Where necessary, divide the ride into groups, and appoint an experienced TBACC member to aid in leading groups where the ride leader is not present
  • Ensure that no riders are left behind unless those riders confirm with the ride leader that they are purposely detaching from the group, and will no longer be considered to be participating in the TBACC ride
  • Cancel or cut short any rides if there is lightning or otherwise adverse weather present or imminent

All riders must:

  • Complete the TBACC waiver before participating in any TBACC rides or events
  • Not alter the waiver in any way, specifically the language or spacing. Paper waivers must be submitted on the appropriate sized paper (8.5”x11”)
  • When under the age of 18, have their parent or guardian complete and submit their waiver
  • Be a member in good standing with the TBACC before participating in any TBACC rides or events
  • Read this risk management plan as provided to them by TBACC
  • Ensure before riding an event that they are sufficiently healthy, fit, and capable of the physical effort required for to ride the event which he has entered
  • Wear an approved helmet at all times while riding
  • Ensure that all of their equipment is in safe working order
  • Ensure that they are dressed and equipped for the weather at hand and are prepared for any changes in weather that may reasonably occur during the ride
  • Be responsible for bringing sufficient liquids and food as required for each TBACC ride
  • Bring appropriate tools and supplies (spare tubes) for each TBACC ride
  • Not be under the influence of any drug or alcohol that may impair their judgement during any TBACC ride
  • Inform the TBACC and the ride leader if they are an inexperienced rider, and attend a TBACC riding clinic if asked to do so
  • Be equipped with front and rear lights on any rides that could possibly extend to one half hour before sunset or later
  • Adhere to all Provincial Traffic Act rules of the road
  • Study the provided route map before the event takes place
  • Bring a cell phone for use in emergencies
  • Immediately call 911 in the event of an emergency
  • Bring to the attention of the Club any safety issues related to Club rides
  • Inform the ride leader if the group or any individual riders are riding in an unsafe manner. The member will withdraw from the ride if they feel unsafe
  • Conduct themselves in a responsible manner and retain liability for their own actions
  • Inform the ride leader if and when they are detaching from the group and will no longer be participating in the TBACC ride or event
  • Must, while trail riding, be courteous and considerate of other trail users and the trail system
  • Understand that the ride leader has the final decision on all matters pertaining to Club rides and the rider leader’s decisions must be respected by all participants.
  • Realize that the ultimate responsibility for safety rests with each Club member

We are currently looking for qualified ride leaders for both road and gravel group rides.  If you are an experienced group rider or racer, and you would like to join our team, send your riding resume to [email protected].


The Bike Asylum (TBA) reserves the right to use any photograph/video taken at any event sponsored by TBA, without the expressed written permission of those included within the photograph/video. TBA may use the photograph/video in publications or other media material produced, used or contracted by TBA including but not limited to: brochures, invitations, books, newspapers, magazines, television, websites, etc.

To ensure the privacy of individuals and children, images will not be identified using full names or personal identifying information without written approval from the photographed subject, parent or legal guardian

A person attending a TBA event who does not wish to have their image recorded for distribution should make their wishes known to the photographer, and/or the event organizers, and/or contact TBA at 6380 Main St., Stouffville, ON L4A 1G3, in writing of his/her intentions and include a photograph. TBA will use the photo for identification purposes and will hold it in confidence.

By participating in a TBA event or by failing to notify TBA, in writing, your desire to not have your photograph used by TBA, you are agreeing to release, defend, hold harmless and indemnify TBA from any and all claims involving the use of your picture or likeness.

Any person or organization not affiliated with TBA may not use, copy, alter or modify TBA photographs, graphics, videography or other, similar reproductions or recordings without the advance written permission of an authorized designee from TBA.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!